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Showing posts from December, 2020

Causes and treatments of male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness is a troublesome scalp issue. This genetic problem is responsible for making your scalp entirely bald. Therefore, if you experience symptoms like hair thinning, receding hairline, and balding temporal along with crown region, visit a clinic to be sure about the occurrence of male pattern baldness. For the appropriate treatment of baldness, you need a surgical procedure called a hair transplant in Mumbai . Causes of baldness A hair loss patient needs the guidance of a well-qualified hair loss surgeon because of the cause of male pattern in genetic. The symptoms of genetic baldness are hard to control when in the case of genetic baldness because of disturbed hormonal levels. According to hair loss experts, the male pattern baldness takes place due to the production of androgen hormones like dihydrotestosterone. If a person is more sensitive to androgen hormones, he is more like to be a victim of genetic baldness. Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is responsible to kill you

Are Hair Transplant Scars Permanent or Can They Be Removed?

  Plenty of hair loss patients are concerned about scarring that may occur after the surgery. Well, the desire to get perfect results after a hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is totally natural but according to the hair loss experts, patients should not be worried about the results. With an authentic expert, they are going to obtain natural results without any doubt. The prime concern for most male pattern baldness patients is scarring. During the procedure, the surgeon has to extract the hairs from the donor site and this step causes tiny wounds. After the donor site is entirely healed, the patients are supposed to observe scar marks on the treated area. Hair loss patients often wish to have a treatment that causes fewer scar marks. Or, they look for a procedure that may remove scar marks. First of all, look at the two hair transplant called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. Follicular unit transplant or FUT: The surgeons carry out the hair transplant in Mumbai

Factors affecting the cost of hair transplant

  Hair loss is a serious problem but fortunately, a Hair transplant in Mumbai is a permanent solution for hair loss or male pattern baldness is available to help the patients. If you are experiencing constant hair loss with severe hair thinning and your hairline is receding steadily with these symptoms, it is quite possible you have become a patient of male pattern baldness.  We have made this blog to describe the hair transplant cost mainly but before we start, you have to be familiar with the disease and its possible treatment.  What is male pattern baldness? There are multiple variations of hair loss and male pattern baldness is one of them. In fact, this is the most common type because a large number of patients suffer from this scalp issue.  Experts relate this issue with genetic and hormonal reasons. If male pattern baldness is coded in your genes, your hormonal system will be disturbed and you will face male pattern baldness sooner or later.  Several factors trigger the issue