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Showing posts from March, 2020

Why I can’t get a Hair Transplant?

Can't Get A Hair Transplant If you are facing severe hair loss then find out what are the factors causing this. Some types of hair loss problems may be caused by various factors like stress, chronic illness, imbalanced diet, hormonal problems etcetera. Hair loss can be treated by medicines in this case. But when hair loss occurs due to inheritance-based genes or pulling of hairs for a long duration, the problem becomes irreversible. Hair transplant is the only option to overcome permanent hair loss and start hair growth that stays forever. Hair transplant in Mumbai provides astonishing services to the persons who want hair loss treatment by giving perfect transformation. They offer consultation to the people to check whether they can go for a hair transplant for hair restoration. The procedure of Hair Transplant The hair transplant is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure done by authorized cosmetic surgery specialists. Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit

Cost Of Hair Transplant - Fixed Or Not?

Cost Of Hair Transplant A hair transplant is a suitable option for people who have severe hair loss and received pattern baldness. So many people are suffering from hair loss at a very young age due to so many factors. It can be overcome with treatment if it is reversible with medicines or changing the lifestyle. But in case of baldness due to hormonal factors, burns, or inheritance, the hair growth is completely stopped and no more expected with normal treatment. Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia, Traction Alopecia are some of the types where hair transplant is the only option to restart hair growth. The Hair transplant in Mumbai is popular for delivering reliable treatment and offering permanent hair. Hair transplant surgery The hair transplant is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedure done to retrieve hair growth on the scalp in men or women. It is done by transferring donor hair grafts from the donor area on the scalp to the bald area where hair restoration is

What Is Your Checklist Before Choosing Hair Transplant Surgeon?

Checklist Before Choosing Hair Transplant Surgeon The hair transplant is the best option to restore hair growth in adults if they are suitable to undergo any type of latest method. Expert hair transplant surgeons are available in India who reliably tackle the patients and transform their lives. Hair transplant in Mumbai is very famous for delivering extensive skills towards the treatment with good reviews. The checklist to obtain a perfect hair transplant If you follow a perfect procedure to select a clinic and doctor, then you will get a positive result from a hair transplant treatment. Consult doctors in a reliable clinic of hair transplant in Navi Mumbai and check out the following queries. What type of hair loss are you having? Men or women face hair loss in different ways according to personal tendency. Pattern baldness, receding hairlines, hair thinning, and scars are the types of hair loss that are irreversible with any type of non-surgical treatment. In these cases,

How I Got Bald?

Reson Behind Your Baldness Experts say that hair loss is a complex issue affecting the scalp and hair of the patients. If you observe some fallen hairs on your pillow, you need not worry since hair shafts fall as a part of the hair growth cycle. In this cycle, hair follicles grow the hairs again after the hair strand has fallen out. Hair loss or male pattern baldness takes place when this process is disturbed and hair does not grow again due to shrunk and dead hair follicles. According to the experts, hair transplant in Mumbai is the best treatment for hair loss. Hair transplant is a surgical problem carried out by trained hair loss or cosmetic treatment doctors. If you think hair loss is only genetic, you are wrong. There are several reasons that may cause hair loss or baldness. However, male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss but ignoring other reasons may increase the chances of severe hair thinning and hair loss. On the other hand, keeping these reasons in

Nutritional Requirement after a Hair transplant

Nutritional Requirement after a Hair transplant A hair transplant is indeed a great procedure to cure male pattern baldness. However, hair loss doctors say that this procedure yields good results if the surgery is performed by a well-qualified and experienced surgeon. The other factor to ensure success after hair transplant surgery is the quality of aftercare. If you are going to undergo a hair transplant in Mumbai , you have to be careful about your activities after the hair transplant surgery. In fact, following the instructions provided by the surgeon is mandatory during and after the hair loss treatment. The quality of aftercare may include several things but in this blog, we are going to talk about the food you have to take after the treatment. The surgeon’s instructions apart, you have to make sure you have a healthy diet because newly transplanted hairs need a consistent supply of nutrients. In fact, your diet makes a considerable difference after the surgery. therefore

Routine Hair Care And Styling After Hair Transplant Procedure

Routine Hair Care And Styling After Hair Transplant A hair transplant surgery transforms one’s life into the better by giving abundant hair growth and natural appearance. When severe hair loss appears due to inheritance, hormonal imbalance, stretching of hairs or burns can be overcome with advanced technology hair transplant procedures. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the methods to pick the donor hair graft and implant them on the recipient bald area. Hair transplant in Mumbai is famous for offering successful hair transplant surgeries and proving it is the best solution for hair loss.  Special care during a hair transplant treatment A hair transplant is conducted in one or more sessions depending on the grade of hair loss, type of loss, and the area to be transplanted. After undergoing the surgery, a patient should take care of the scalp and the area of the surgery to get the wounds to heal soon. It takes nearly two to thr

Hair Transplant: A Hope for Those Who Suffer From Baldness

A Hope for Those Who Suffer From Baldness It is very unfortunate to see a balding scalp for hair loss patients. They have limited options if the nature of hair loss is genetic. Experts call this genetic baldness male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. According to hair restoration doctors, hair transplant in Mumbai is the best solution for male pattern baldness. Usually, we all see hairs on our comb due to hair fall that takes place as a natural part of the hair growth cycle. However, excessive hair loss may be the start of androgenic alopecia. Apart from the genes and hormones in the body, various reasons may work as triggers for the male pattern baldness. These reasons include improper diet, stress, seasonal effects, pollution, hairstyle and hair products, medications and chronic illness. Male pattern baldness always follows a pattern while it takes place in the body. Generally, the hairline is receding and temples along with the crown area bald quickly. According to exp